Erstellt von Alice Storr
vor etwa 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Abiotic | Non-living factors that influence an ecosystem |
Autotroph | Energy from the environment used to make their own food |
Biome | An ecosystem for a certain group of organisms |
Biosphere | Part of Earth inhabited by organisms |
Biotic | Living factors which influence an ecosystem |
Chemotroph | Energy comes from inorganic chemicals |
Community | Populations sharing an area |
Consumer | Heterotrophs, surive by eating producers and other organisms |
Ecology | Relations of organisms to each other and their environment |
Ecosystem | Biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment |
Evolution | Organism adapting to changes in the environment through genetic mutations and passing on succesful traits (survival of the fittest) |
Food Chain | A sequence of organisms showing energy transfer between organisms |
Food web | Representation of interconnected food chains |
Habitat | Natural home of organisms |
Heterotroph | Energy from organic sources - eats other organisms for energy |
Microhabitat | A unique part of a habitat |
Niche | A unique adaption of an organism allowing it to exploit its environment |
Photosynthesis | Process of plants changing CO2 to O2 and H2O to C6H12O6 involving the light independent and dependent reactions |
Phototroph | Energy from converting light energy into food |
Population | Group of organisms in a particular place |
Producer | First part of a food chain (1st trophic level). Gets energy from sunlight/environment (autotroph) and is predated by consumers |
Speciation | Formation of new species - allopatric or sympatric causes |
Species | A group of interbreeding organisms who produce fertile off-spring |
Succession | Process of organisms developing in an area of land. Starts with pioneering species. Reaches climax communoty. Has a dominant or co-dominant species. Can be deflected with human intervention. |
Trophic Pyramids | Graphical representation showing biomass at each trophic level in an ecosystem |
Topography | Shape of the land - abiotic factor. Includes steepness of a slope, aspect and drainage |
Colonisation (succession) | The pioneer species begin life in areas which are too harsh for more complex life forms. Break up surface, add nutrients and DOM which increases water-holding capacity of soil. |
Climax community | Stable stage of succession. No reason to change unless environment changes. |
Primary succession | On areas of land which have not previously hosted life |
Secondary succession | Life begins on areas of land which previously hosted life but were cleared (eg. following a forest fire) |
Deflected succession | The natural process of succession is altered by human activiity, preventing succession taking place (eg. sheep grazing on grass stop soil being approproate for more complex organisms) |
Chloroplast (and what it contains /8) | The centre of photosynthesis. Contains: thylakoid membrane, thylakoid space, starch grain, DNA loop, outer membrane, inner membrane, granum, stroma |
Photosystem | Clusters of photosynthetic pigments in the thylakoid membranes. Several hundred of these pigments surrounding a primary chorophyll molecule |
Electron transport chain | Consists of several electron carrier molecules and is formed in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis |
Photophosphorylation | The synthesis of ATP from ADP+P |
ATPase | Catalyses the breakdown of ATP to ADP |
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