Financial Accounting


- Financial Accounting Karteikarten am Financial Accounting, erstellt von Amber Harper-Slaboszewicz am 12/01/2017.
Amber Harper-Slaboszewicz
Karteikarten von Amber Harper-Slaboszewicz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amber Harper-Slaboszewicz
Erstellt von Amber Harper-Slaboszewicz vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Accounting Process of identifying, recording, and summarizing economic information and reporting it to decision makers
Accounting System Process an organization uses to record financial data and make financial statements
Annual Report Prepared by management Shows organizations past performance and future prospects
Form 10K Filed annually with the SEC
Balance Sheet Shows the financial status of an organization at a moment in time
Assets Resources
Liabilities Obligations
Note Payable Shows evidence of a debt and describes payment terms
Owner's Equity Owner's claim on an organization's assets Also called "Net Assets"
Net Assets Assets-liabilities
Long-Lived Asset An asset expected to last one year or longer
Account Summary Record
Inventory Goods help by organization meant for sale to customers
Open Account Buying/Selling on credit
Account Payable A liability from an open account transaction
Compound Entry Transaction that affects 2+ accounts
Creditor Entity to whom an organization owes money
Sole Proprietership Business with a single owner
Partnership 2+ individuals as co-owners
Corporation Business organization created by individual state laws
LLC Limited Liability Corporation Creditors generally have claims against corporate assets only Corporations are automatically limited in liability
Privately Owned Shares are not sold publicly Also called "closely held" or "unlisted"
Stock Certificate Formal evidence of ownership Also lists par value
Stockholders' Equity Owners' Equity in a Corporation
Paid-In Capital Total owner capital investment in a corporation
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par Value a=average price/share b=par value/share c=# shares issued ac=bc+c(a-b)
Common Stockholders Owners with residual claims against the organization's assets
Board of Directors Elected by stockholders to represent them
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
US GAAP Oversight Congress \/ SEC \/ FASB
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board Independent body that establishes US GAAP
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards Established by IASB
IASB International Accounting Standards Board
Auditor Assesses credibility of financial data
Public Accountants Offer services to the public for a fee
CPA Certified Public Accountant Must meet standards set by state Board of Accountancy
Who can issue official opinions on financial statements? CPAs
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants CPA Professional Organization
IAASB International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board Goal of standardizing audit regulations globally
PCAOB Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 Established PCAOB Prohibited public accounting firms from providing certain non-audit services to audit clients Every 5 years, lead partner and reviewing partner on an audit must switch
GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Minimum steps for an auditor to take to have a good shot @ finding errors and omissions
GASB Government Agency Standards Board
Operating Cycle Time between acquiring goods/services in cash and sale of products for cash
Fiscal Year Year established for accounting purposes
Revenue Increase in net assets from a sale. Increases owner equity.
Expense Cost of providing goods or services - decreases owner equity
Income Revenue - Expenses
Retained Income Total cumulative owners' equity generated by profits
Accounts Receivable Amounts owed to company by customers in exchange for goods and services
Cost of Goods Sold Original acquisition cost of inventory sold to customers in a reporting period
Accrual Accounting Record transaction as it occurs
Cash Accounting Record transaction when cash is received
Matching Recording expenses in the same time period that we recognize the related revenues
Product Costs Costs linked to revenue
Period Costs Linked to the passage of time
Depreciation Systematic allocation of acquisition costs of a long-lived asset Total Cost/Months of expected use
Income Statement Report of all revenues and expenses in a reporting period
Net Income "Bottom Line" revenue-expenses
Net loss negative net income
Cash Dividends Distributions of cash to stockholders Reduce retained earnings
Statement of Stockholders' Equity Statement of all changes in a year to the equity account
3 steps to a cash dividend 1. Declaration Date - board announces intent to pay 2. Record Date - if you hold stock on this date, you get dividend 3. Payment Date - dividends are paid
Accumulated Deficit Negative retained earnings
EPS Earnings Per Share Net Income/Shares Available
P-E Ratio Price-Earnings Ratio Price per Share/EPS
Dividend-Yield Divident Yield=Dividends per Share/Stock Price
Divident-Payout Divident-Payout=Dividends per Share/EPS
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