R.E Unit 1 Revision


Unit 1 flash cards dates, definitions and Quotes
Karteikarten von rosstorn, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von rosstorn vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Meaning Of Islam Peace (Through Submission To Allah)
Meaning Of Sunna Life Example Of Muhammad (Muslims Try To Copy His Life Style)
Meaning Of Hadith Saying Of Muhammad
Meaning Of Ummah The Muslim Family/Community (1 Billion World Wide)
Year Of Abortion Act 1967
When And What Was Abortion Reduced Too 1990 Limit Was Reduced To 24 Weeks
Define Viability The Point In Which A Fetus Could Survive If It Were Born
A Hadith For Abortion 'No Severer Of Womb Relationship Ties Will Ever Enter Paradise'
A Quote From The Qur'an On Abortion 'Kill Not Your Children For Fear Of Want; We Shall Provide Sustenance For Them As Well As You. The Killing Of Them Is A Great Sin,
Abortion Quote From The Bible 'Before I Formed You In The Womb I Knew You'
Meaning Of Agape Christian Love
Two Acts Of 1975 Equal Pay Act Sex Discrimination Act
1976 Race Relations Act
1892 Women Allowed To Vote In Local Elections
1918 Women Allowed To Vote In Parliamentary Elections At The Age Of 30
1928 Women And Men Both Voted At 21
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