Faustus-related literary terms


A Levels English Literature (Dr Faustus) Karteikarten am Faustus-related literary terms, erstellt von gregory.rolfe am 13/04/2014.
Karteikarten von gregory.rolfe, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Allegory a figurative representation within A narrative of abstract concepts by characters bearing their names e.g. the parade of the seven deadly sins in Act 2, scene 3
Binary Having two elements; in critical theory, binary opposition is when a pair of terms, ideas or characters are opposed to each other
Closure The sense of completeness and finality achieved by the endings of some literary works
Convention A standard common feature of a particular genre of literature
Decorum The tradition of using particular verse forms and kinds of diction for particular circumstances. It can be thought of as a sense of appropriate style
Denouement French for 'unknotting'. The final unfolding of a plot: the point at which the audience's expectations, be they hopes or fears, about what will happen to the characters are finally satisfied
Despair In the Early Modern period, 'despair' meant loss of faith in God, and was signified by suicide; the two were often treated as synonymous.
Dramatic irony A feature of a play whereby the development of the plot allows the audience more information about what is happening than some of the characters themselves have. E.g. in the comic scenes in Doctor Faustus
Hubris Greek for "pride, arrogance". The self-indulgent confidence that causes a tragic hero to ignore the decrees, laws and warnings of the gods, and therefore defy them to bring about his or her downfall
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