Vitamins and minerals


Karteikarten am Vitamins and minerals , erstellt von Sophie McDermott am 09/02/2017.
Sophie McDermott
Karteikarten von Sophie McDermott, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sophie McDermott
Erstellt von Sophie McDermott vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Vitamins B3 Niacin Found in most foods, but especially meat
Vitamin E Found in vegetable oils, seed and vegetables
Vitamin A For healthy skin and body linings. For growth and development, vision and for the immune system
Vitamin K Essential for clotting blood and for normal bone structure
Vitamin B1 Thiamin Found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, meat(especially pork), nuts and fortified breakfast cereals
Folate/folic acid For the formation of blood cells, important6 during pregnancy. For the nervous system
Vitamin B12 Important for blood, nerves and helps release the energy from food
Vitamin C Found in fresh fruits especially citrus and berries, green vegetables, tomatoes & potatoes
Vitamin D Helps the body to use calcium and also phosphorus. Also for healthy bone structure
Vitamin B6 Found in beef, white fish, poultry, eggs, whole grains and some vegetables
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Found in milk, eggs, rice, fortified breakfast cereals, green leafy vegetables and liver
Iron For red blood cells, normal metabolism, excretion, and a healthy immune system
Fluoride For healthy bones and teeth as it works with other minerals
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