1.1 Biodiversity Questions and Key Words


A Levels WJEC AS Biology Karteikarten am 1.1 Biodiversity Questions and Key Words , erstellt von amyroskilly am 16/04/2014.
Karteikarten von amyroskilly, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von amyroskilly vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
With reference to Carbohydrate, explain the difference between a condensation reaction and a hydrolysis reaction Condensation - When two monosaccharides join to form a disaccharide by the elimination of water forming a glycosidic bond Hydrolysis - When a disaccharide is broken into two monosaccharides by the addition of water breaking the glycosidic bond
State whether these carbohydrates are mono-, di-, or polysaccharides. Also give their role in living organisms. State whether each occur in animals, plants or both. - Lactose - Cellulose - Glucose - Glycogen Lactose - Disaccharide - Plants and animals - Energy Cellulose - Polysaccharide - Plants - Structural Glucose - Monosaccharide - Plants and animals - Energy Glycogen - polysaccharide - Animals - Energy Store
Hydrophilic Attracts water (Water loving)
Hydrophobic Repels water
Name the products formed and the type of bond broken when a tryglyceride is broken down It is broken down into one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids with the addition of water and therefore breaking the ester bond
Suggest why parts of organisms that move, such as seeds, use lipids as an energy store rather than carbohydrates When oxidised lipids produces twice as much energy as the same amount of carbohydrate. so therefore storage is lighter
What is meant my metabolic water? The water produced from the oxidation of food
State two differences between a triglyceride and a phospholipid A triglyceride has three fatty acid molecules, no phosphate groups and is non-polar. A phospholipid has two fatty acid molecules, a phosphate group and a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail.
Which end of the phospholipid molecule lies to the outside of the membrance The hydrophilic Heads
State through which part of the membrane each of the following passes in order to enter or leaving a cell 1. Sodium Ion 2. A lipid soluble molecule 1. Intrinsic protein 2. Phospholipid
List the four bonds present in the tertiary structure of a protein Peptide Hydrogen Disulphide Ionic
Classify the following proteins as fibrous or globular: - Insulin - Collagen - Keratin - Lysozyme (an enzyme) Insulin- Globular Collagen - Fibrous Keratin - Fibrous Lysozyme - Globular
Why is water described as a polar molecule? - it carries an unequal distribution of charge - Oxygen has a slightly negative charge - Hydrogen has a slightly positive charge
State what property of water allows the following? - How insects are able to walk on water - How fish are able to live in a frozen pond - Why does sweating keep us cool - High surface tension - Water density - ice is less dense and floats on top acting as an insulating layer - High Latent Heat
Why are the following properties of water important to living organisms? 1. It is a universal solvent 2. It is transparent 1. to allow chemical reactions to take in solution 2. to allow light to pass through for photosynthesis
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