UK & US Film Industry - Production Revision


Karteikarten am UK & US Film Industry - Production Revision, erstellt von Beth Ozanne am 15/02/2017.
Beth Ozanne
Karteikarten von Beth Ozanne, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Beth Ozanne
Erstellt von Beth Ozanne vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The Role of the Producer The producer is the person responsible for managing the process of making the film.
Major Studios and Conglomerates The Major Studios and Conglomerates are large companies which own other companies to dominate a market.
Indie Films and funding problems (The British Context) Indie producers have more difficulty funding their films than conglomerates because the money has to be found from lots of different sources.
High Concept or Tent Pole Movie A film which is bound to be successful due to it's simple story-line and USPs.
Core Audiences & Impact on Production The core audience has an impact on production due to the expectations from the audience. For example, Special effects (Explosions)
Bfi Film Fund & Tax Breaks These are useful to Indie producers as they offer funding to make their films.
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