b3 - 1


david doran
Karteikarten von david doran, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
david doran
Erstellt von david doran vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
State 2 ways in which dissolved substances can move ? Dissolved substances move by diffusion and by active transport
What is osmosis ? Water often moves across boundaries by osmosis. Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a dilute to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane that allows the passage of water molecules.
Describe why water moves by osmosis in and out of cells ? Differences in the concentrations of the solutions inside and outside a cell cause water to move into or out of the cell by osmosis.
State 3 substances that most soft drinks contain ? Most soft drinks contain water, sugar and ions.
State the functions of the different substances found in soft drinks ? Sports drinks contain sugars to replace the sugar used in energy release during the activity. They also contain water and ions to replace the water and ions lost during sweating.
What happens if water and ions lost are not replaced in the body ? If water and ions are not replaced, the ion/water balance of the body is disturbed and the cells do not work as efficiently.
Describe what active transport is and why it is important ? Substances are sometimes absorbed against a concentration gradient. This requires the use of energy from respiration. The process is called active transport. Active transport enables cells to absorb ions from very dilute solutions.
What does isotonic mean ? if the drink concentration matches the body fluids the solution is called isotonic
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