Year 9 Keywords Definitions


KS3 Year 9 ICT & Computing Karteikarten am Year 9 Keywords Definitions, erstellt von Fiona Faulkner am 08/05/2013.
Fiona Faulkner
Karteikarten von Fiona Faulkner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fiona Faulkner
Erstellt von Fiona Faulkner vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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foreign key a field in a database table that is a primary key in another table
validation rule makes sure data entered is reasonable and sensible
Boolean data data that can only have one of two values, e.g. true/false, yes/no
integer a whole number data type
real number or float a number data type that contains decimals
between ... and .... a database search criteria for searching between 2 number values
> a database search criteria to find a number greater than a specified value
< a database search criteria to find a number less than a specified value
not ... a database search criteria to find all values apart from a specified value
'print' keyword in Python outputs the data to the screen
int() casts a value in Python to integer
str() casts a value in Python to string
string data that can contain text, characters, spaces & numbers
input() a command in Python that prompts the user to enter information on the screen in response to a question
variable an area (or 'box') in Python where data a user enters is stored, e.g. a name
loop / iteration a command in a computer program that makes the program keep repeating until a specified event happens
if makes a computer program only run under certain conditions
cell reference the name of a cell in a spreadsheet, e.g. A1
worksheet one sheet within a spread sheet workbook
formula a calculation in a spread sheet using +, -, * or /
function a complex calculation built in to a spread sheet that uses words, e.g. SUM, IF, COUNTIF
conditional formatting a cell in a spread sheet changes colour according to data entered into it
macro a series of actions recorded as one action and usually run using a button
cell link a formula that links the data in a cell in one worksheet to a cell in another worksheet
IF function gives a true or false answer depending on a logical test or comparison between the value in one cell and another value
VLOOKUP looks up the value in a cell in a range of cells to give an answer from a specified column number in that cell range
COUNTIF counts the number of cells in a range of cells that contain a specified criteria or value
relative cell reference a cell reference in a formula that will change relative to its position if the formula is copied to another place in the spreadsheet
absolute cell reference a cell reference in a formula that won't change if the formula is copied to another position in the spread sheet; the dollar sign is used to make a cell reference absolute
MAX function finds the highest value in a range of cells
MIN function finds the lowest value in a range of cells
record a row in a database containing data about one item or person
field a column in a database containing an individual data item
table a collection of records and fields in a database
database form a user-friendly place to enter data into a database table
report a method of printing out a query or table from a database to make it look more attractive
query a place to search for data & store the results of the search, in a database
relational database more than one table linked to each other by fields
primary key a database field that uniquely identifies each record and is used to link tables together
+ - * / mathematical operators used to perform calculations in Python
== Python command meaning = in 'if' selections
!= Python command meaning 'not =' in 'if' selections
else keyword in Python that carries out the second part of a program if the first 'if' condition is not met
elif if the first 2 parts of a program in Python are not met, this keyword runs the last condition
# (hash) used to add comments to a program to make it easier to understand
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