Erstellt von Keziah Bunyan
vor fast 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Aryan Race | The term used by racial theorists, including the Nazis, to describe the race to which non- Jewish Germans belonged. |
Anschluss | (The union) the takeover of Austria by Germany in March 1938. |
Autarky | Economic independence or self-sufficiency. |
Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM) | League of German Girls - The female equivalent of Hitler Youth. Membership became compulsory in 1939. |
Diktat | An order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent. |
Einsatgruppen | 'Special Groups' - temporary units comprised of the police and regular troops commanded by the Gestapo, the SD and the Criminal Police. |
Eugenics | The theory that a race or group of people could be genetically improved through selective breeding. |
Freikorps | A volunteer force setup at the end of 1918 consisting of demobilised junior army officers and NCOs as well as students, adventurers and drifters. |
Gauleiter | A Nazi party leader at regional or state level. |
Gestapo | Secret State Police established by Herman Goering; depended on information supplied by informants. |
Gleichschaltung | 'Forcing into line', the process through which the Nazis attempted to control or 'coordinate' all aspects of German society. |
Hitler Jugend (HJ) | Hitler Youth - created in 1926 for boys aged 14-18 years; compulsory membership introduced in 1939. |
Jungvolk | The section of the Hitler Youth that was for boys aged 10-14 years. |
Kdf (Kraft durch Freude) | Means 'strength through joy' - a movement set up by Robert Ley and the DAF to organise workers' leisure times. |
Lebensraum | Means 'Living space', a concept by which Hitler justified his plans to take over territory to the east of Germany. |
Lock out | An action taken by an employer to stop workers doing their jobs until they agree to the employer's terms and conditions. |
Mittelstand | Means 'middle rank'; a large but diverse social group including small farmers, small shopkeepers and artisans. |
Plebiscite | A direct vote on an important political or constitutional issue, similar to a referendum. |
Pogrom | An organised massacre of an ethnic group. |
Putsch | A coup or violent attempt to overthrow a government (aka Munich Putsch). |
Red-Front Fighters' League | The paramilitary arm of the KPD party; established in 1924, under the leadership of Ernst Thälmann, and engaged in street battles with the SA, the police and the other right-wing paramilitary groups. |
Reichkristallnacht | 'Night of the Long Knives', occurred on 9-10 Nov 1938, when Jewish homes and businesses were looted and vandalised, synagogues set ablaze and thousands of Jews were arrested, beaten and killed. |
Reichstag | Elected lower house of the German Government. |
Reichswehr | German Army. |
Slav Peoples | A very diverse ethnic group that includes Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Croats, Serbs and Slovenes, living mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. |
Sopade | Reports produced by agents of the banned SPD to inform the exiled party leadership about the situation in Germany. |
Schutztaffel | The SS, Hitler's personal bodyguard - created 1926. |
Stahlhelm | (Steel Helmets) - a paramilitary organisation of ex-servicemen dedicated to the restoration of the monarchy and the revival of Germany as a military power, which took its name from the steel helmets issued to German Soldiers in WW1. |
Stormtroopers | Called the SA, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party, led by Ernst Röhm. |
Third Reich | This term (Third Empire) is used to describe the their regime from 1933 to 1945, the Nazis were asserting that it was the successor to the First Reich. |
Total War | A term used to describe a conflict in which a combatant state mobilises its entire population and all of its material resources to participate in the war effort. |
Untermenschen | Means 'sub-humans', and was used by the Nazis to describe those whom they considered to be racially inferior. This included Jews, Gypsies and people of the Slav race. |
Volksgemeinschaft | The concept of a 'people's community'; it was a key element in Nazi ideology. |
Volkssturm | Founded on Hitler's orders, the Volkssturm was intended to be a force of six million members, although this was never achieved. |
Waffen SS | The military wing of the SS. |
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