HOU Midterm 1


Arushi Gupta
Karteikarten von Arushi Gupta, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Arushi Gupta
Erstellt von Arushi Gupta vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Phases of the Moon
Ecliptic Plane Plane where Moon, Earth, and Sun align. Otherwise they are usually at a 5 degree angle.
A Scientific Law Is a Statement It describes the observation, like Newton's Laws of Motion
Scientific Theory is an Explanation i.e. Theory of Evolution
Scientific Model A useful representation
Solar eclipse When shadow of the Moon falls on Earth, Only happens during a new moon
Lunar eclipse When Moon moves into shadow of Earth, only during full moon
Types of Lunar eclipse
Types of Solar eclipse
Seasons Tilt of axis is known as "obliquity of the ecliptic". Seasons have nothing to do with the distance, its how much Sun is spread over how much area.
Eclipse seasons There are slightly more than 2 eclipse seasons per year. During one eclipse season, there are two or three eclipses
Lunar Tides Gravity of the moon pulls harder on the surface of the Earth close to it than the center, and harder on the center of the Earth than it's surface that is opposite from the Moon. Creates two tidal bulges, directly under and opposite the moon
Solar Tides Gravity of the Sun also pulls on the surface of the Earth similarly to the Moon. They are half as strong because of the distance
Spring and Neap Tides
Aristole's view on Force Everything will go to it's natural place and then stop There needs to be continuous force for continued movement
Aristotle's "elements" Water, Earth, Fire, Air
EM Wave Spectrum
Tidal Friction Since the Earth rotates once a day and the moon moves around the earth once a month, the rotation plus friction pulls the tidal bulge ahead of the moon. This causes the earth’s rotation to slow and the moon earth distance to increase.
Why didn't Aristotle and others think the Earth moved? It fit their available data. They knew the moon stayed with the Earth, and that wouldn't make sense to them if the Earth moved. There was also the phenomenon of stellar parallax. It appeared as though some stars were moving against the background of other stars (though in reality, our position relative to the closer stars changed as the Earth moved around the Sun.
Ptolemy's model Improved upon the Greek model, which was circular, uniform, and Earth centered. It assumed that Earth was the center of the solar system, and that planets and the sun moved around it in an orbit called a deferent in a counter clockwise direction. The planets then moved in other orbit around the point on the deferent, called an epicycle, clockwise.
Newton's Version of Kepler's Third Law Newton equated the force of gravity between a planet and the sun with the force needed to keep the planet moving in a circle to get a more complete version of Kepler’s third law
Copernicus First sun centered model; Took ptolemy's data and explained retrograde motion of planets with movement of earth and planets around the sun
Tycho Sun moves around Earth, and other planets move around Sun
Kepler Second Law A line from the Sun to a planet covers equal area in equal time.
Kepler First Law Planets move in elliptical paths with the Sun at one focus.
Kepler Third Law The square of the period of a planet’s orbit is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the Sun. p2 = k a3 (Newton improved this)
Newton Law of Gravity Any two objects will attract each other with a force proportional to the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between them. F = G (M1 x M2) / d2
Newton's Laws of Motion • A body at rest remains at rest, a body in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in the same direction unless acted on by an outside force. • When an outside force acts on an object, the force equals the mass of the object time its acceleration. F = ma • For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. F = -F • Forces are like hugs – they come in pairs.
Galileo Discovered Moons of Jupiter - saw that Jupiter doesn't leave them behind.
Galileo - Phases of Venus Observed phases of Venus and proved that Heliocentric (Copernicus) was correct, not earth centric (ptolemiac). If Venus moved around Earth, we would only see half of the phases, but Galileo observed all of them, proving Venus moves around the Sun. This does not require the Earth to move however (Tycho model).
Alpha Decay Atom loses a helium nucleus, so it loses 2 protons and 2 neutrons
Beta Decay A neutron "becomes" a proton +1 proton, -1 neutron
Gravity G is gravity constant, m are the masses of the objects, r is the distance between them
Evolution of large objects Closest (500 Mly): normal galaxies (500 Mly to 1.5 Bly): Galaxies with active nuclei Furthest (2-13 Bly): quasars
Cosmological Principle The universe looks the same no matter where you are in it
Proofs of the big bang Cosmic Background Radiation Light matches what it should be given the age of the universe Seeing the evolution of large objects as we look into space
Doppler Shift
Hubble Law V = Ho D. where V is the observed velocity of the galaxy away from us, usually in km/sec. H is Hubble's "constant", in km/sec/Mly. D is distance of galaxy in Mly. The faster a galaxy is moving away from us, the greater its distance from us.
Phases of Planet Formation Planets form from solid material in the disc that forms the solar system Condensation- small pieces become solid Accretion- large pieces form from collisions, eventually become planets size Melting- energy from radioactivity and accretion
Terrestrial Planets (mercury, venus, earth, mars) Formed close to the sun, have a low mass, have few moons, rotate relatively slowly, atmosphere rich in oxygen
Jovian Planets (jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune) Formed far from the sun, high mass, have gas and liquid composition, many moons, rotate relatively fast, atmosphere rich in hydrogen
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