An Inspector Calls Character Context


Context on each of the characters in An Inspector Calls
Luke Clark
Karteikarten von Luke Clark, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Luke Clark
Erstellt von Luke Clark vor fast 8 Jahre

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Mrs. Birling Context - Represents women of the higher class - She is her husbands social superior - She represents the capitalist upper classes of the time and the way they abuse their power
Mr. Birling Context - Birling is the embodiment of the capitalist ideology. - He says "nobody wants war", even though the audience has already lived through two wars
More Mr. Birling Context - He has antisocialist views to exploit the poor to make money - Priestley uses him as a device through dramatic irony to portray these capitalist views e.g. "nobody wants war"
Sheila Context - She represents the hope rested on the younger generation for a socialist future - Edwardian middle and upper class parents encouraged their kids to marry for money, however, Sheila denies Gerald because she didn't love him at that moment in time
More Sheila Context - Women weren't equal to men at that time, they weren't allowed to vote or fight
Gerald Context - Capitalist views through a younger generation - He is male so he believes that he is superior - He expects Sheila to act a certain way at the end because she is female, this is emphasising his capitalist views
Eric Context - Conveys how the upper class abused their power over the working class - Eric portrays the upper class's lack of empathy for the working class
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