Module 1 - Intro and Regulatory Framework


We explored the role of the occupational hygienist in workplace settings based on a definition of the term occupational hygiene. We looked at various types of stressors, such as chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic, that are found in the workplace and discussed how they relate to the work of the occupational hygienist.
Daneca Leatherdale
Karteikarten von Daneca Leatherdale, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daneca Leatherdale
Erstellt von Daneca Leatherdale vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the 4 occupational stressors? Chemical, Physical, Biological, Ergonomic
What is the main guiding legislation used to protect workers? Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and Code
What are the four steps used by OH's to mitigate health hazards? Elimination / Substitution Engineering Administrative PPE Bonus: Combo
How is the work of the Occupational Hygienist related to the requirements made of an employer in Part 2 of the OH&S Code 1. Hazard Assessment, 2. Elimination & 3. Control 4. To construct a report of HA, E and C and 5. Maintain accurate and concise records. 6. Maintain clear communication of hazards with employees 7. Educate and practice worker participation
What are the Action levels? 10% of the OEL TWA indicates that the potential exists that the workers may be over exposed. 50% of the OEL TWA should trigger action to reduce the exposure.
What are the OELS in Alberta? 1. ALARA 2. OEL TWA (8 Hours) 3. STEL (15 minutes) 4. Ceiling 5. Excursion x 3 6. Excursion x 4 7. IDLH
How many measurements are required to determine that exposure is within compliance? 3 samples if the process is similar.
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