Elective History Glossary


Year 9 History Karteikarten am Elective History Glossary, erstellt von Frances Alldis am 13/03/2017.
Frances Alldis
Karteikarten von Frances Alldis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Frances Alldis
Erstellt von Frances Alldis vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Polytheism The worship of many Gods.
Monotheism The worship of one God
Nomadic Wondering from place to place without permanent home
C. Circa, approximately
Celtic Language There are six languages still spoken today in North-West Europe. They are divided into two groups gaelic and British
Mercenaries Paid soliders
Potin Alloy of copper and tin.
Pantheon A family of Gods/Godesses
Deities Gods/Godesses
Votive offerings Objects given to the gods to keep them happy.
Hill Forts Settlements that made use of the natural topography of an area to gain protection from enemies.
Oppida Townships
Triumph Roman victory Parade
Stimuli Iron baths
Vercingetorix A young nobleman from the gallic tribe of Arverni who rebelled against Caesar and was finally defeated after the siege of Alessia.
Scorched Earth Policy Burning anything that will assist the enemy such as crops and shelters.
Iseni Celtic Tribe in Eastern Britain.
Pax Romana Peace of Rome
Budica Queen of the Iceni. Born Approx- 23AD, Died Approx 61AD
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