Assembly Language


AS level Computing (Inside the Computer) Karteikarten am Assembly Language , erstellt von Lauren Blood am 14/03/2017.
Lauren Blood
Karteikarten von Lauren Blood, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lauren Blood
Erstellt von Lauren Blood vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
LDA Load (Load the contents of the given address onto the accumulator.)
STA Store (Store the contents of the accumulator to the RAM of the given address.)
ADD (Add the contents of the given RAM address onto the accumulator.)
SUB Subtract (Subtract the contents of the given RAM address from the accumulator. If value < 0, a negative flag is set for BRP.)
INP Input (Copy the value from the 'input' onto the accumulator.)
OUT Output (Copy the value from the accumulator to the 'output'.)
HLT Halt Program (Causes the Little Man Computer to stop executing the program.)
BRZ Branch if Zero (If the contents of the accumulator are 000, the PC will be set to the given address.)
BRP Branch if Zero or Positive (If the contents of the accumulator are 000 or positive, the PC will be set to the given address.)
BRA Branch Always (Set the contents of the accumulator to the given address.)
DAT Data Location (When compiled, each instruction is converted to a three-digit code and the codes are placed in sequential addresses in RAM. This instruction will reserve the next RAM address for data storage.
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