Inferential Tests


A level Psychology Karteikarten am Inferential Tests, erstellt von Ellen Knight am 12/04/2017.
Ellen Knight
Karteikarten von Ellen Knight, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ellen Knight
Erstellt von Ellen Knight vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The experiment uses an independent measures design and nominal data, what test do you use? Chi-Square
The experiment uses an independent measures design and ordinal data, what test do you use? Mann-Whitney U test
The experiment uses an independent measures design and Interval data, what test do you use? Mann-Whitney U test
The experiment uses an independent measures design and is a correlation, what test do you use? Spearman's Rho
The experiment uses a repeated measures design and nominal data, what test do you use? Sign test
The experiment uses a repeated measures design and ordinal data, what test do you use? Willcoxon test
The experiment uses an independent measures design and ratio data, what test do you use? Mann-Whitney U test
The experiment uses a repeated measures design and interval data, what test do you use? Willcoxon test
The experiment uses a repeated measures design and ratio data, what test do you use? Willcoxon test
The experiment uses a repeated measures design and a correlation, what test do you use? Spearman's Rho
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