Topic 5


A level Sociology (Education) Karteikarten am Topic 5, erstellt von Hannah Fernandez am 12/05/2013.
Hannah Fernandez
Karteikarten von Hannah Fernandez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hannah Fernandez
Erstellt von Hannah Fernandez vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What were the two main functions of education identified by the founder of functionalism, Durkheim? He identified: -social solidarity = education system is 'social miniature' as it is preparing everyone for life in the wider society. It also shows that everyone is a part of the 'body' of society, so that no one pursues their own selfish desires. -specialist skills as it teaches individual the specialist skills and knowledge needed to play particular parts in the social division of labour.
What does Parsons say about education and meritocracy? He says that school is like a bridge between family and society, as in the family, rules are only applied to that particular child and status ascribed, whereas in school and society, rules apply to everyone and status is largely achieved. Therefore school and society are both based on meritocracy principles.
What relationship did Davis and Moore find between education social inequality? They argued that inequality is necessary to ensure that the most important roles are filled by the talented people. This also encourages competition.
What did Blau and Duncan mean by the 'human capital'? They meant that the 'human capital' is the workers skills, and that a meritocratic education system does this best, as it enables each person to be allocated to the jobs best suited to their abilities.
What criticisms are their to the functionalists perspective of education? Marxists argued that education in capitalist society only transmits the ideology of a minority. And their is also evidence that equal opportunities do not exist.
How does the New right perceive education? They are in favour of marketization, and are similar to the functionalist view, however, the main difference is that the New Right does not believe the current education system is achieving the goals, and the main reason for failure is that it is run by the state, and that the sate takes a 'one size fits all' approach which imposes uniformity and disregards local needs, where local consumers have no say. Therefore the state education systems are unresponsive and breed inefficiency. Their solution to this would be the 'education market'.
How does Chubb and Moe show that the American state education has failed? They claimed that disadvantaged groups are badly served by the state education as it fails to produce pupils with the skills needed by the economy, whereas private school education answer to the paying parents.
How should education be, according to the New Right? Education should affirm the national identity, and aim to integrate pupils to a single set of norms and values. For this reason, they oppose multi-cultural education.
What criticisms of the New Right's perspective on education are there? Critics argue that the real cause of low educational standards is the social inequality and inadequate funding of state schools.
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