Women's Rights Legislation 1945-75


Karteikarten am Women's Rights Legislation 1945-75, erstellt von M E am 20/04/2017.
Karteikarten von M E, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von M E vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Which act was passed in 1945? Family Allowances Act - Mothers got a payment for every child they had
When was the NHS Act passed and what did it do? 1948 - Gave free healthcare to all
Which act made abortion legal and when was it passed? 1967 - Abortion Act
When was the Family Planning Act passed and what did this do? 1968 - Allowed the contraceptive pill to be dispensed for free under the NHS for all women (gave control over their bodies/lives)
Which act was passed in 1969? What did it do? Divorce Reform Act - made divorce easier (before there had to be a victim)
Which act was passed in 1970? What did this do? Matrimonial Property - women got property after divorce - before it left many women poor so they didn't complain/divorce
What did the equal pay act do and when was it introduced? Equal wages for men and women under the same work role. 1970
What was the Women's Aid Federation and when was this law passed? Support and refuge for women and children experiencing domestic violence. 1974
What was the sex discrimination act and when was this introduced? 1975 - It outlawed sexual discrimination in the workplace - before overlooked for promotions
Which act was introduced in 1976 and what did this do? Domestic violence act - enabled married/cohabiting women to obtain a court order aimed at preventing further violence and to exclude violent partner from home
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