Desktop Publishing


A-Levels Graphical Products AS (Computer-generated graphics) Karteikarten am Desktop Publishing, erstellt von Poppy Venables am 13/05/2013.
Poppy Venables
Karteikarten von Poppy Venables, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Poppy Venables
Erstellt von Poppy Venables vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Advantages of DTP: *Text and image manipulation *Wide availability of typefaces *Graphics tools available *Page layout grid and guides can be easily added on screen (invisible when printed) *Cut and paste facility to alter page layouts *Ability to zoom in and out for attention to detail Disadvantages for DTP: There are few as some relate to computer use; *The need to regularly invest in new software and hardware and the consequent re-training needed *Incompatibility between different software file types and computer systems
Desktop publishing (DTP) combines the features of word processing, graphic design and printing all in one package. Here are some features of the simplified DTP process for producing a page layout. Text can be imported from a word processing packaging or typed directly into the DTP package.
*Illustrations or graphics can be created within a specialised package, uploaded from a camera or scanned and manipulation as required. *A proof copy of the page layout can be printed in colour for evaluation and/or modification. The text and graphics are combined within the DTP package and inserted into a predetermined grid layout. Elements can be cropped or manipulated to best fit the page layout and add visual impact.
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