Erstellt von jacob jury
vor fast 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
WHAT WAS THE GREAT SPURT? | The Great Spurt was a period of rapid expansion during the late 19th century/early 20th century. |
HOW WAS THE GREAT SPURT SUSTAINED? | The acceleration of the rapid industrialisation came from the result of private enterprise which was sustained by government policy |
WHAT WERE THE GOVERNMENTS MOTIVES? | The governments primary motivations was to improve the economy to finance military expansion. |
WHAT IS STATE CAPITALISM? | The direction an control of the economy by the government using its central power and authority. |
HOW DID WITTE USE STATE CAPITALISM TO BOOST THE ECONOMY? | Negotiated large loans + investments from foreign countries while imposing heavy domestic taxes to raise capital, Witte also reduced the inflow of foreign goods through raising tariffs protecting Russian industry. Russia's currency was put on the gold standard to create economic stability which was successful to a certain extent as this was slightly detrimental to consumers at home as they had to pay extra |
WHAT DID WITTE INVEST MUCH OF THE FOREIGN CAPITAL IN AND WHY? | The Trans-Siberian railway + because he thought that the modernisation of Russia's economy was dependent on the railway |
WHAT WERE THE LIMITATIONS OF THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY (TSR)? | The TSR was more of a symbol of Russian enterprise than an economic catalyst as parts of if were unfinished by 1916, it didn't greatly improve east-west migration |
WHAT DID WITTE HOPE FOR THE RAILWAY? | He hoped for there to be major improvements in transport boost exports and foreign trade, which is seen in the figure exports. However, this could be credited to the population boom Russia was experiencing. |
WHAT PROBLEMS DID WITTE FACE? | ->He made Russia too dependent on foreign loans and investments ->In giving priority to heavy industry, he neglected vital areas such as light engineering ->He paid no attention to Russia's agricultural needs ->He faced much opposition from military commanders (who intervened in the railway construction) ->Also faced opposition from the gvt + court due to their conservatism ->Witte wasn't an easy man to get on with = bit of a prick |
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