Explanations of gender inequalities


Key sociologist theories of gender inequality
Yasmine King
Karteikarten von Yasmine King, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Erstellt von Yasmine King vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Murdock? Functionalist
Murdock (functionalist) Gender inequalities are natural as there is a biological difference. Women were at home because their biological function is of bearing children, their physique also means they can't perform strenuous tasks.
Parsons? Functionalist
Parsons (functionalist) Men have an Instrumental role Women are expressive Separate roles are seen as contributing to the smooth running of society
Human Capital Theory? Functioanlist
Human Capital Theory (functionalist) Men have more human capital- this is 'knowledge, competency, attitude and behaviour embedded in an individual' Gender inequalities in the workplace arise and are legitimate outcome as women develop lower levels than men
Schlafy? New Right
Schlafy (new right) A women's natural role is to be a mother and a wife
Engles? Marxist
Engles (marxist) Women's subordinate position is a result of the ownership of private property and the development of the nuclear family The ideology of the nuclear family sought to restrict women's sexuality and enforce monogamy
Feeley? Marxist Feminist
Feeley (marxist feminist) Ideology of the family in a capitalist society supports patriarchy Socialises to accept traditional gender roles
Benston? Marxist Feminist
Ansley? Marxist Feminist
Benston (marxist feminist) Unpaid domestic work helps the capitalist system. Women's role is a stabilising force If a man has to provide for his wife and kids he is less likely to challenge
Ansley (marxist feminist) Husbands return home exploited and take frustrations and anger out on their wives If all workers have their own 'sponge' this will aid false class consciousness and discourage a revolution
Beechy? Marxist feminist
Beechy (marxist feminist) Women are a cheap reserve army of labour- this is because they are often not in unions and a prepared to work for less if their wage is a second income
Stanko? Radical Feminist
Stanko (radical feminist) Sexual harassment in the workplace is used to keep women in their place.
Adkins? Radical feminists
Adkins (radical feminists) Horizontal segregation with male and female employees are being given different types of roles Female employees subject to continuous sexual harassment
Delphy and Leonard? Radical feminists
Delphy and Leonard (radical feminists) Family is a major oppressor of women. Women work for the male head of the household and in this relationship he holds the economic power
Millett? Radical feminist
Millett (radical feminist) Men gained power over women because of biological factors, however she suggests that modern technology has provided development that mean men can no longer hold legitimate power and domination over women
Johnson? Radical Feminists
Johnson (radical feminist) Violence is a result of patriarchal traditions of man's right to control their woman. Patriarchal terrorism
Oakley? Liberal feminists
Oakley (liberal feminist) Socialisation into hegemonic gender roles through -Manipulation -Canalisation -Verbal appellations -Different domestic activities
Yuval-Davis? Black Feminist
Yuval- Davis (black feminist) Criticises feminism for being ethnocentric
Abbott et al (Black feminist) Feminism concentrates on 'women's experiences derived from the white perspective and priorites'
Abbott et al? Black feminist
Brewer? Black Feminism
Brewer (Black feminism) Triple systems theory- class, race and gender. These create multiple sources of deprivation and inequality each of them reinforce and multiply the others
Walby (post feminist) Intersectionality Six structures of patriarchy -Paid employment -The household -The state -Cultural Institutions -Sexuality -Violence
Walby? Post feminist
Hakim? Post feminist
Hakim (post feminists) Preference theory Women have choices. They can be home centred, adaptive and work centred women
Weber? Weberian
Weber (Weberian) Class, status and party Women have less status and party
Barron and Norris (weberian) Dual labour market. Women are located in the secondary market
Baron and Norris? Weberian
Skeggs? Postmodernist
Skeggs (postmodernist) Women are too divided by class, gender and age to use blanket explanations
Faludi? Postmodernist
Faludi (postmodernist) Feminist backlash
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