medieval village 1


fallow land description and useful information on fields, villains and demesne land.
Archanaa Baheerathan
Karteikarten von Archanaa Baheerathan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Archanaa Baheerathan
Erstellt von Archanaa Baheerathan vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
how was the land organised during the medieval manor life? three field crop rotation
what were the three types of crop? fallow, barley, wheat
how many years does the crop rotation take? three years
which way does the crop rotate every year clockwise
what is fallow land? this land was left without a crop in it, so it could recover its nutrients.
what were the fields called when they were divided into strips? strip farming
how many strips are in the field? 6 strips and one known as the demesne land
what and who took on the demesne land? the lord took all the crop
what did the villain owe to the lord? he had to give one thirds of his crops. he had to work on the demesne land for about 40 days a year, especially at harvest about sowing times. At Christmas and Easter he had to give gifts to his lord. he also needed permission to leave the manor and to get married. The aim was to tie the peasants to the land so they could not move somewhere else to work and get married. if he used the lord's mill or oven he had to pay the lord for using them in kind (i.e. crops)
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