Erstellt von Victoria Wright
vor fast 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Examples for 1?
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A - Inotrophy 1 - Catecholamines, digoxin ⊕ |
Examples for 2?
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A - Inotrophy 2 - Uncompensated HF, narcotic overdose, sympathetic inhibition ⊝ |
Examples for 3?
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B - Venous return 3 - Fluid infusion, sympathetic activity ⊕ |
Examples for 4?
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B - Venous return 4 - Acute hemorrhage, spinal anesthesia ⊝ |
Examples for 5?
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C - Total peripheral resistance 5 - Vasopressors ⊕ |
Examples for 6?
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Exercise, AV shunt ⊝ |
What does the intersection of curves on the graph indicate? | Operating point of heart (ie, venous return and CO are equal) |
What is the effect shown on the Introphy graph?
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Changes in contractility --> altered CO for a given RA pressure (preload). |
What is the effect shown on the Venous Return graph?
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Changes in circulating volume or venous tone ---> altered RA pressure for a given CO. Mean systemic pressure (x-intercept) changes with volume/venous tone. |
What is the effect shown on the Venous Return graph?
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At a given mean systemic pressure (x intercept) and RA pressure, changes in TPR ---> altered CO. |
What is the following an example of? HF decreased inotropy ---> fluid retention to increase preload to maintain CO | Changes that occur in tandem and are compensatory |
What is the following an example of? exercise increased inotropy and decreased TPR to maximize CO | Changes that occur in tandem and are reinforcing |
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