motion & force


Karteikarten von hairat-yetunde.b, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hairat-yetunde.b vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
speed:the distance by an object in one unit of time you need to be able to use the three main unit of speed kilometers per hour {km/h} miles per hour {mph} meters per second {m/s}
Distance: speed x time time: distance divided by speed speed:distance dived by time force
force: causes a stationary object to move push & pull: tends to move an object or make it go faster or change direction weight:tends to move all object towards the center of the earth- gravity friction: slows down object moving over .e.g brakes used on a bicycle friction moves the wheels
lubrication:used to reduce friction between two surface in contact advantage of friction when driving a car around a corner friction is needed to stop accident shoes in contact with the ground
disadvantages of friction your foot rubbing against the shoe you need more fuel {friction uses a lot of fuel} sole of your shoe wears out tension:may act against gravity to stop the body falling 4 example stretching : elastic band
compression:crushing a can electric:tends to move charged particles magnetic:picking up magnet materials mass vs weight
weight weight is a force measured in Newtons weight has direction the weight of an object can charge mass mass of an object is the amount of matter in it mass measured in grams or kilograms mass does not have direction mass of the object remains constant
weight=mass x10 hooks law the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force covering the extension
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