Respiratory responces to exercise


Exersice Physiology Karteikarten am Respiratory responces to exercise, erstellt von alexlpeart am 16/05/2013.
Karteikarten von alexlpeart, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von alexlpeart vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Define tidal volume. Volume of gas inhaled and exhaled in one respiratory cycle. (0.4-1.0L)
Define vital capacity Max volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs from full inspiration.
Give the equation for working out pulmonary airflow capacity. Expiatory volume/vital capacity
Give a reason why respiratory factors cant be a limiting factor. We can our breathing rate at VO2 max is 25% less than our maximal breathing rate.
Women have _____ lung function measurements than men. This means that ... They have to work harder to maintain adequate alveolar to arterial O2 exchange. They might enter hypoxaemia earlier than men.
As ventilation increases it becomes _____ costly in terms of O2 uptake. more
Define minute ventilation. the volume of air breathed each min.
Explain what happens to depth and rate of breathing as we exercise. Depth increases more than rate, then both depth and rate increase. Athletes may reach up to 60 breaths per min
define the ventilatory breakpoint. the point during intense exercise at which ventilation increases disproportional to the O2 consumption.
Give some evidence to explain why ventilatory breakpoint isn't caused by acidosis. Mcardles patients still experience a ventilatory breakpoint.
Give some evidence to suggest why ventialtion isn't linked with muscle metabolites. When metabolites trapped in cell by applying a tight cuff to the muscle breathing rate still fell after exercise.
What is the primary drive for respiratory control? Higher brain control, e.g. efferent copying.
Explain why arterial hypoxaemia may occur in some elite athletes. Hypoxaemia is where we have low oxygen content in the arterial blood. In elite athletes this may be due to insufficient ventilation or inadequate blood flow to the lungs.
Give a reason as to why exercise increasing our blood thickness wont effect oxygen delivery to the muscles. Increasing blood thickness mean the hematocrit concentration will increase which will balance the effect of thick blood.
Explain why CO2 doesn't ever build up in arterial blood, even in elite athletes. CO2 molecule is much smaller than O2 and therefore can pass our of the lungs much more easily.
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