Biology test revision


Science Karteikarten am Biology test revision, erstellt von Renata Salimova am 20/06/2017.
Renata Salimova
Karteikarten von Renata Salimova, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Renata Salimova
Erstellt von Renata Salimova vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the definition of a species? A class/type of animal.
1. What is a vertebrate? 2. What is an invertebrate? 1. An animal with a backbone 2. An animal WITHOUT a backbone
How do humans vary from each other? Give 3 examples. Height,Hair colour, Hair length,Eye colour,dimples,skin colour,hair type,earlobes etc,
What is the difference between inherited variation and environmental variation? Inherited variations are given to you by your parents ( eye colour,hair colour). Environmental variation is stuff like accents, tans.
Definitions of Continuous variation and discontinuous variation. Continuous variation: Variations which have endless options (Height,Foot length) Discontinuous variation: Variations which only have several options( hair colour,eye colour,Blood type)
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