
Cambridge English: First (FCE) TRINITY EXAM (INTERACTIVE TASK - NATIONAL COSTUMES) Karteikarten am INTERACTIVE PROMPTS - NATIONAL CUSTOMS, erstellt von Lolie am 27/05/2014.
Karteikarten von Lolie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Lolie vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
I went to a Halloween party last weekend. It wasn't very exciting. Where did you go? Did you go with friends, workmates, family? Do you like Halloween? Why not? / What things do you like the most? What about the music?Was boring? Did you go in costume? Weren't there candys or shocks and surprises?
We went to Brazil for carnival last year. It was great but really expensive. Who went to Brazil with you? Why did you choose that party? Where did you go? Did you visit the Corcovado? Which was the most expensive? the plane? the food? the stay? Will you repeat the experience?
I'm thinking to visit Spain soon, and I want to enjoy a typical custom from there, but I can't decide which one. Have you thought when are you going to come to Spain? What region would you like to visit? Did you know that in Spain there are festivals and traditions well known every month of the year? Are you an adventurer or more an spectator? Are you comfortable among crowds of people?
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