
GCSE ECS Karteikarten am ECS - RELIGION & MEDICINE , erstellt von sarahrudolf am 28/05/2014.
Karteikarten von sarahrudolf, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sarahrudolf vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
What do religious believers mean by conscience? An inner voice that keeps a person on the right track - some religious believers see this as 'Godgiven'
What do religious believers mean by free will? The belief that humans have free choices in life
What do religious believers mean by Hippocratic Oath? A promise that doctors make to preserve life at all costs.
What do religious believers mean by medical ethics? The process of deciding what is good & acceptable in medicine
What do religious believers mean by sanctity of life? That life in all its form is sacred
What do religious believers mean by quality of life? The extent to which life is meaningful & pleasurable
What do religious believers mean by Euthanasia? The painless killing of someone who is dying from a painful disease
What do religious believers mean by IVF? Fertilisation in the laboratory outside the mothers body
What do Christians believe about life? -God is involved in everybody's life -Life is sacred & a gift from God, only he has the power to take a life away -Jesus showed in his teachings that life should be valued
What do Muslims believe about life? -Every soul has been created by Allah -Allah has a plan for each life -Noone has the right to take any life, including their own
What are 2 case studies that show a Doctors Dilemma? Emma Gough & Jodie and Mary
What is the Emma Gough's case study? A woman who was a Jehovahs Witness & because of her religion, signed a form refusing blood transfusion during giving birth to twins. Medics begged for her decision to be overruled since she was losing a lot of blood but her family refused. Emma Gough died.
What is the Jodie and Mary case study? Roman Catholic parents had unborn twins who, if weren't separated, would both die. Doctors wanted to transplant all organs into the twin Jodie but this would mean the death of Mary - the parents refused because it was 'Gods will'. After a court case, parents were given permission to go against the parents wishes.
What do the Roman Catholic Church believe about abortion? -Believe a persons life begins immediately after the egg is fertilized by sperm & noone has the right to take it away -Follow BIBLE TEACHINGS like 'Do not commit murder' & 'Children are a gift from the lord; they are a real blessing'
What do Anglicans (Church of England) believe about abortion? -When the continuance of pregnancy threatens the mothers life, then abortion can be justified -Abortion should be carried out as early as possible
What do Muslims believe about abortion? -Qu'ran teaches that life is a gift from Allah & that everyone should believe in the sanctity of life, taking a life Allah created is wrong. -Allah puts soul into the foetus when it is 120 days old. Until the day of ensoulment, the mother has greater rights than the unborn child & can undergo abortion for compelling reasons
What are some reasons for why some Christians are FOR euthanasia? -It is acceptable to switch off life support machine if person is 'brain dead' -It is acceptable if the persons quality of life is very poor - Jesus taught that you should act in the most loving way
What are some reasons for why some Christians are AGAINST euthanasia? -Roman Catholics do not accept that a person has the right to refuse treatment -Nobody has the right to take their own life or another persons because of the sanctity of life
What are some reasons for why some Muslims are FOR euthanasia? -It is permissible for life support machines to be switched off
What are some reasons for why some Muslims are AGAINST euthanasia? -Life is a gift from Allah & only he decides when a person will die -Life is a test set by Allah & asking for euthanasia is a cheat by asking to speed up the test -No matter what state the body is in, the soul is perfect
When is it permitted for a couple to receive free IVF? -If the mother is between 23-39 -If atleast one parent has a fertility problem -If they have been unable to have a child for the past 3 years
What do Christians believe about IVF? -Some Christians are AGAINST it as they think noone has the right to interfere with Gods plan (a child is a gift) -Some are also AGAINST it as all 'spare' embryos are discarded & no life should ever be destroyed -Other Christians accept it if it involves mothers egg & fathers sperm - otherwise it is adultery
What do Muslims believe about IVF? -IVF is acceptable if the mothers egg & fathers sperm is used - otherwise it is adultery -Most Muslims accept destruction of spare embryos as it is before the day of ensoulment
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