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Erstellt von Andrew Burke
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
The Western Front | A stretch of land 700 km long from the coast of the English Channel in Belgium to the French border with Switzerland. |
Allied Forces | The armies of countries bound together by formal promises of support (main powers were Britain, France, and United States). |
War of Attrition | A long period of conflict where each side seeks to gradually wear down the other by a series of small-scale actions. |
Trench Warfare | A form of armed combat where two opposing groups fight one another from trenches that face each other. |
Schlieffen Plan 1914 | This was a military plan of attack of how Germany could avoid war against France and Russia on two-fronts. |
Chlorine gas | The first type of gas used in the trenches; this stripped away the linings of the lungs and caused victims to drown from their lungs filling with water. |
Gas Gangrene | This is a bacterial infection that caused large numbers of deaths in the war. |
Duckboards | A board built from a number of wooden slats joined together, usually placed over muddy ground in a trench. |
Triage | This involved making an initial assessment of the wounded soldier, then sorting them into groups based on the severity of the wound itself. |
Orderlies | Someone who is responsible for the non-medical care of patients and maintaining order and cleanliness in a hospital. |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps |
'Thomas splint' | An invention from Hugh Owen Thomas that stabilised the femur when it was fractured. It reduced blood loss and infection, and more importantly the death rate from a broken femur. |
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