

207 Individual Differences Karteikarten am Maths, erstellt von Dooney am 18/05/2013.
Karteikarten von Dooney, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Dooney vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Who said researchers need to combine group and individual differences research, might find group results are a combination of several strategies each drawing on different systems? Kosslyn et al. (2002)
What are the types of individual difference? Psychometric, developmental, neuropsychological, cultural, generational, quantitative, qualitative
What does mathematical cognition attempt to do? To understand how we conceptualize and perform mathematical tasks
What is at the developmental core of mental arithmertic? Minimum counting strategy, problem size effect (bigger, longer to respond), 5operant advantage.
What did Sieger (1987) find? Prevalent assumption children count with it, but only 1/3 do, some prefer other methods.
Who compared Canadian and Chinese adults on 3 blocks of 100 multiplication problem between 0 and 9 timestable, and what was found? Lefevre and Lui (1977), and chinese did not show problem size effect
What is the difference in language between English and Chinese in terms of numbers? English is unit driven, Chinese is tens.
What did Miura et al. (1988) with distribution of correct counting responses? American children mostly used units cubes. Asian most used block counts
Who replicated Mirua et al. (1988), introducing a block of 20? Towse and Saxton (1997)
What was the results of Towse and Saxton (1997) and explanations? When 20 block was introduced, most used it. Practice trails of small units might prompt use of units. Prompt condition of using 10 block, dramatically increased likelihood of being used
What is the number line task? Put a number on a line or asked to estimate what number a dash in the line is
Who found second grader's number estimates is log relationship, and sixth is linear? Siegler and Opser (2003)
What is the explanation for younger children having a log relationship of number estimation? Did bigger gaps then ran out of room.
Who found the number estimation relationship is linked with mathematical ability? Booth and Siegler (2006)
Who found better number estimation in younger children after training them? Siegler and Ramani (2009)
Who suggested the log relationship of number estimation could be two regression lines? Ebersbach et al. (2008)
Who found US children had log relationship of number estimation, and China was linear? Siegler and Mu (2008)
Who used a matched ability design, comparing scottish and Chinese children on number estimation? And what was found? Muldoon et al. (2011), and no reliable estimation skill differences between groups, suggesting line estimation not critical in changes in math ability
Who did the line estmation task in South American children, not using digits but dots instead? Dahaene et al. (2008)
What were the results of Dahaene et al. (2008)? 1-10 dots American linear, mundinica log. 1-100, both log. Both logs in tones as well. Suggesting it is a scaling task more than anything
What do information-processing models often start with due to individual differences being harder to incorporate? Single or inflexible modes of descriptions
Who said individual differences seen as annoyance over challenge, variation proof of being unsuccessful in controlling it? Cronbach (1957)
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