Erstellt von paigexmonks
vor fast 12 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
what is the usual distance across the plasma membrane? | 1-9 nanometres |
what is the main role of the plasma membrane? | to control the entry an exit of materials |
why is a phospholipid bilayer called a bilayer? | the phospholipids arrange themselves in a double layer with the phosphate heads facing out and the fatty acid tails facing inward |
the plasma membrane consists mainly of what? | phosphoplipds and proteins |
what is the role of the phospholipids? | forms a bilayer preventing entry of water soluble substances such as glucose. allow entry of lipid soluble substances such as oxygen and glycerol |
role of extrinsic proteins | only found on outer surface of membrane - provides support |
role of intrinsic proteins | act as channels and carriers for polar molucles to enter and exit the cell |
role of glycolipids | carb and a lipid - involved in cell recognition |
role of glycoproteins | carb and a protein form recognition sites |
role of cholesterol | type of lipid beween phosphopilid bilyer - more cholesterol controls rigidity of membrane |
why is it called fluid mosaic model? | described as fluid as the components are free to move around and it is described as mosaic as proteins are scattered in the lipid layer. |
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