

Students have to compare items found on the flash cards
Jorge Cardoza
Karteikarten von Jorge Cardoza, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jorge Cardoza
Erstellt von Jorge Cardoza vor mehr als 7 Jahre

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Instructions: Compare the items in each list using the given words.
Autopista, Cra. 33 and Cra. 27: wide/narrow/busy/ dangerous a lemon, a grapefruit, and an orange: sweet / sour / large / small
this book, that book and that book: thin / fat / interesting / useful / good / bad a kitten, a cheetah, and a lion: weak / powerful / wild / gentle / fast
air, water, and wood: heavy / light / important to human life boxing, soccer and golf: dangerous / safe / exciting / boring
three movies you have seen: good / bad / exciting / sad the food (at places you have eaten) delicious / appetizing / inexpensive / good / bad
sounds of noises: loud / soft / pleasant / annoying geographical regions mountainous / flat / dry / humid / populated / unpopulated
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