

Primero Tecnología Flowchart on ingles , created by Wendy G on 18/12/2017.
Wendy  G
Flowchart by Wendy G, updated more than 1 year ago
Wendy  G
Created by Wendy G almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • partner  paymoths 
  • pull partner invoice from stack 
  • does invoice hve a purcharse order #
  • yes 
  • no 
  • match partner purcharse order to approved purcharse order 
  • contact purcharser for information 
  • attach approved purcharse order from iinviovce 
  • ammounts match 
  • yes 
  • no 
  • send invoice to processing 
  • consult mananger on discrapecy 
  • discrepancy ment investigating 
  • no 
  • yes 
  • investigate and rectifly 
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