It is an underground river located in Yucatan, México. It is the longest underground river in the world, and it is also the most beautiful in my opinion. It is 347.7 km ( 216.1 miles ) long and 72 km deep. The British speleologist Steve Bogaerts and the german Robbie Schmittner have discovered this underground river in january 12 2007.
speleologist - espeleólogo
have discovered - han descuvierto
When the explorers found the longest underground river of the world they assumed that the three longest underground rivers in the world were there, in Yucatan. In this underground river. The most impressive part is where the cenote Nohoch Nah Chiich is connected, and that its stalagmites rise from the depths letting you see a unique natural beauty. Many parts of these underground rivers have a mixture of salt water and fresh water.
assumed - asumir
stalagmites - stalagmitas
depths - profundidades
fresh water - agua dulce