Until mechanical clocks were invented in the 13th century there were various ways of telling the time. The earliest method of telling the time of day was the sundial. ... About 1400 BC the Egyptians invented the water clock. It consisted of two containers of water, one of which was higher than the other.
es una contracción antigua que significa 'of the clock' (del reloj). El empleo actual equivale al español 'en punto' (nine o'clock = nueve en punto).
Slide 5
A.M - P.M.
Se utiliza 'a.m.' y 'p.m.' en un lenguaje más formal y normalmente escrito.
Ej. Banks are open from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Es más normal decir: 'In the morning', 'In the afternoon', 'In the evening', 'At night'
7:00 a.m. = seven o'clock in the morning.
2:15 p.m. = quarter past two in the afternoon.
7:30 p.m. = half past seven in the evening
11:00 p.m. = eleven o'clock at night