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Álbum: Literatura Medieval
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literatura medieval
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portafolio literario
Slide Set by
Jose Lopez
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jose Lopez
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Slide 1
Iglesias Medievales
5e5bfe35-ef4f-448b-9ce0-af928e63ac10 (image/jpg)
9218f010-7ed4-4a5d-afe1-ac0414f6de98 (image/jpg)
Caption: : Exterior
Caption: : interior
Slide 2
c6412201-89ba-459e-896c-5a7c66afb5f3 (image/jpg)
c6f89c7c-ef4b-4ad0-8b89-a7e6410ba4bd (image/jpg)
Caption: : Se llaman Vidrieras o Vitrales
Caption: : La mayoría de iglesias católicas las poseen en una gran variedad de formas, tamaños y colores..
Slide 3
24ceb4e8-9c9b-4631-8db6-914ed0f53d8b (image/jpg)
d530ffdf-3be1-47e3-a97e-a4ed378699b2 (image/jpg)
Caption: : Primera Cruzada, Concilio de Clermont
Caption: : Sexta Cruzada, Puerto de Jaffa y Ciudad Santa
Slide 4
240f658b-d8d7-4f97-8a46-88844d173e7f (image/jpg)
902a8313-4215-45c0-82ba-1c1e3756df0d.JPG (image/JPG)
Caption: : Arturo
Caption: : Carlomagno
Slide 5
40743b61-0a51-472e-b334-3dcd27cc7681.JPG (image/JPG)
Caption: : Ricardo
Slide 6
8aa7b4c4-eafe-4753-9cfd-865886d7a0ca (image/jpg)
246e2495-ac9a-42a1-9676-586d7146bfda (image/jpg)
Caption: : Catedral Notre Dame en París, Francia
Caption: : Catedral Santa María en Burgos, España
Slide 7
1ac01db1-3c3a-4f9d-afc8-018b43af3963 (image/jpg)
1c896260-3542-4a07-99c9-48b1bab955d1 (image/jpg)
Caption: : Catedral de Santa Cruz en Barcelona, España
Caption: : Catedral Carolingia en Aquisgrán, Alemania
Slide 8
Obras Destacadas
b6ce4aa6-f871-4211-8642-66024128fdcb (image/jpg)
Caption: : Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora, Gonzalo de Berceo
1628241a-b286-49f6-be28-9127c62e537d (image/jpg)
Caption: : Cantar del Mio Cid, Anónimo
Slide 9
eb716a66-79c1-4214-8030-588bed5cc3ab (image/jpg)
0eeffe25-c32c-437d-a398-3f6b496d521a (image/jpg)
Caption: : El Libro del Buen Amor, Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita
Caption: : La Divina Comedia, Dante Alighieri
Slide 10
Autores Destacados
459b3aa7-c3f6-4d36-a2bd-fa204ad8e72e (image/jpg)
443a686d-89e9-498f-ba9e-d4416459f718 (image/jpg)
Caption: : Alfonso X el sabio
Caption: : Joanot Martorell
Slide 11
ca6cf391-d787-4233-8965-5a215721ec11 (image/jpg)
c0c6f1b9-6b79-4a6c-9f94-d678d80610ae (image/jpg)
Caption: : Giovanni Boccaccio
Caption: : Geoffrey Chaucer
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