Created by Mrs Z Rourke
almost 7 years ago
What food and drink products are made using microorganisms?
What microorganism is required to make bread, beer and wine?
What is the role of the yeast when making bread, beer and wine?
What microorganism is required to make yoghurt and cheese?
What is the role of the bacteria when making yoghurt and cheese?
What is the word equation for fermentation?
What type of respiration is fermentation an example of?
Between what temperatures do the enzymes in yeast work best?
What are the stages to making beer?
What are the stages to making yoghurt?
What sugar does milk contain?
What do bacteria break the lactose down into?
What is the role of the lactic acid in the process of yoghurt making?
What are the stages to making cheese?
What conditions need to be considered for efficient growth of bacteria?
What is pasteurisation?
What drinks are subjected to pasteurisation?
How is pasteurisation used in milk?
What is homogenisation of milk?
How is semi-skimmed and skimmed milk produced?
When does pasteurisation of milk take place?
How can you slow down or stop bacterial growth?
What precautions need to be put in place to keep food areas free of bacteria?
What are the symptoms of food poisoning?