Created by Mrs Z Rourke
almost 7 years ago
What is the name given to harmful micro-organisms?
What are the four types of pathogens?
What are the main parts of a bacterial cell?
What are the main parts of a virus?
How can bacteria, fungi and viruses be spread?
What are the three body defences against infection?
What are the 2 types of white blood cells?
How do phagocytes work to defend the body?
How do lymphocytes work to defend the body?
What is an antigen?
What are antibodies?
What is a vaccination?
After an antigen from a pathogen has been encountered, what does the body create for the future?
Why are memory cells important?
What are antibiotics?
How are antibiotics produced?
How have some bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?
How can MRSA be controlled?
Why is large scale, vigorous testing required for new drug treatments?