maisie ingram
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Media evaluation question

maisie ingram
Created by maisie ingram almost 9 years ago
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Media Evaluation Question 2Stereotypes: Our opening involves the main stereotypes you see in everyday life for example the dad(Steve) is the breadwinner, like a typical father, however at the very start of the opening he doesn't Thesetting he is placed in is very dark and intimidating making him look like more than a dad. He looks likethe villain due to the setting and the weather. However this changes when he enters the house and isshown with Maggie his wife. The real villain in the opening doesn't fit with the normal conventions of avillain in a horror film they are normally either a young or old male. We have decided to go for a middleaged mother. This will keep the audience more interested as they want to know who the villain is butdon't actually realize who it will be so it will become a shock to the audience.Costume: We had presented our characters different personality through the clothing. The audience will beable to identity what they are doing. We also incorporated colours associated with the horror genre-Steve; We have dressed Steve in a very smart clothing. This portrays to the audience that he is astereotypical dad who has a respectful job as he is dressed very formally. Also the dark clothing representsthe horror genre. -Maggie; Maggie has been dressed in very relaxed clothing. This portrays her to theaudience as a stereotypical mother who stays at home. She is also wearing a black top which signifies thehorror genre. -Grace; In the opening we don't see what Grace is wearing however we see some of her tophalf and it is very plain and dark which again links to the horror genre. -Capman; This character is dressedhead to toe in black, this portrays that this character is very mysterious and villain like. Also it connotatesthe colours of the horror genre.Age: Our film rating is a 18. This is because its mainly what the typical target audience is for horror films, alsothis was a suitable rating the content of our opening, Also because of this film rating it will only appeal to thetarget audience that can are allowed is the audience that can come and watch the film. We used the BBFC'swebsite and grading guidelines for our film opening.Gender: In our opening sequence we have decided to have both genders in the opening. This is so it appealsto both genders. We wanted it to relate to others therefore we decided to have a stereotypical family set upwhich involves both of the genders. Also the main genders that are interested in the horror genrestereotypically tend to be males.Double click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node