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Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Mind Map on Main Themes, created by SagamiAsuka on 07/18/2014.

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Created by SagamiAsuka over 10 years ago
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Main ThemesFamilyStatusSeperationAntigone and CreonAntigone and IsmeneAll familymembersSisterly BondsAntigone and IsmeneLoyaltyAntigone and her BrothersAntigone and theGodsAntigone and Ismene share a very closesisterly bond by which Anitgone trustsIsmene to help her bury the body,however Ismene does not agree to herideasIsmene loves Antigonebeyond words can describehowever she is more afraid ofthe price of rebellion than hersister's loveThough they may have been close in thebeginning, Ismene cuts their bonds by notagreeing to bury the body with AntigoneTheir opposing opinions forms asolid wall between these two thatneither of them are willing to breakdownEven though they areuncle and niece theytreat each other as Kingand traitorAs the family hasangered the gods forgenerations on end, allof them are destined tobe seperatedTheir seperation causes all familymembers to bear the pain althoughnone of them really do much to changeitPowerGodsCreon vsAntigoneCreonAntigone is willingto risk her own lifeto honour herbrotherShe rebels against Creonand law in deep respectfor her brotherAntigone believes the gods wishboth Polynices and Eteocles to beburied in equal honourShe believes the gods hold greaterpower than Creon and so respect themmuch more so than Creon, a mortalbeingAs king of Athens and Thebes,Creon holds the greatermajority of powerCreon uses this powerwith good intentionshowever his decisionsseem to always leadto the minor effectAs Creon is king and Antigonea princess, they are both ofextremely high statusBoth their statuses grant them the ability to causethe most change within Thebes and as they are theultimate opposing forces, they throw the kingdomout of balanceIn all greek theatre, the gods hold the utmost power asthey are of the highest status, being the great unwritten,unshakable traditionsTheir immotality grants them powerover all and have the most respect fromothersThis especially effects Antigone as she holds absoluterespect for them and her respect causes her to solelyoppose CreonDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node