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Kirsty Bryan
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

A2 Media Studies, initial ideas for representation in our music video

Kirsty Bryan
Created by Kirsty Bryan over 7 years ago
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Initial Ideas: NarrativeLevi Straussbelieves that binary opposites are important in narrative, as theyhelp thicken the plot and further the narrativeGood vs EvilGirl vs BoyCrime vs JusticeAndrew Goodwinbelieves that inmusic videos thenarrative oftenlinks to the lyricsand the tempo ofthe musicVladimir Proppbelieves that media texts needparticular characters to developthe narrativebelieves certain parts of anarrative always happenhero battles villainhero is given questheroprincessvillaindispatcherprincess is made distressTodorovbelieves thereare several mainstages tocomplete anarrative,recognisable inany story:-equilibrium-disruption-resolution-equilibriumAlan Cameronbelieves there areseveral types of'unusual' narrativeANACHRONICNARRATIVE: includesregular flashbacks andflashforwards, with alldifferent narrative partsbeing just as importantFORKING PATHNARRATIVE: shows twodifferent consequencesthat are diverse only as aresult of a smallchange/decisionEPISODIC NARRATIVE:separate narrativeshave some sort oflink, e.g. different livesbeing linked by aparticular accidentSPLIT SCREENNARRATIVE:differentstories, linkedby the fact thatthey are shownon screen atthe same timeUnrestricted/Restricted NarrationUNRESTRICTED: whereinformation is given out in asmuch detail as possible with verylittle restrictions so that thenarrative is clear. Audiencesoften know more than thecharactersRESTRICTED: where the narrative is kept minimal,with parts unclear. Audiences are often in the darkover a lot of the narrative (used effectively in the thriller genre)Double click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node