Created by PatrickNoonan
almost 12 years ago
Study one thing at time; focus all your attention on one topic at a time. There is little point in jumping around, trying to cover all bases.
“Those who do not study are only cattle dressed up in men's clothes”
-Chinese Proverb
Are you a morning lark or a night owl?
Don’t panic!
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
― Albert Einstein
While having tombs of notes may feel like you’ve studied a lot, the closer you get to an exam the more concise your notes should be.
Listening to relaxing music such as classical or jazz on a low volume can relieve some of the boredom of studying.
Keep up the social life. You may be tempted to neglect your friends and hobbies when you are studying, make sure you don’t.
It may be easy to overlook but try as best you can to keep your handwriting legible in an exam.
When studying you should use the 45- 15 minute rule. This rule states that you should only study for 45 minutes, then rest for 15 minutes before continuing. Your brain can only really stay focused for 45 minutes at a time before it turns to mush.
If you have a big test or project coming up, you should reverse engineer from the due date. In other words, plan backwards!
For students preparing to enter college/university, don't get ahead of yourself! You shouldn't be overly focused on where you’re going or which course you’re doing.