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Aleena Sheraz
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

AS level Biology (2.1- Cell Structure) Mind Map on 2.1.4 The ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells: membrane-bound organelles, created by Aleena Sheraz on 03/07/2017.

Aleena Sheraz
Created by Aleena Sheraz about 8 years ago
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2.1.4 The ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells:membrane-bound organellesEukaryoticcellsAll animal, plant,fungal andprotoctist cellsMeans theyhave:Nucleus-> surrounded bynuclear envelope ->containing DNA wound intolinear chromosomesNucleolus inside nucleus->contains RNA, chromosomesunwed and involved in makingribosomesJelly like cytoplasm -> organelles aresuspendedCytoskeleton= network ofprotein filaments withincytoplasm which moveorganelles around the cell,allows some cells to moveand contraction of musclecellsPlasmamembraneMembrane boundorganellesSmallvesiclesRibosomes-> without membraneswhere protein is assembledOrganellesCells are the buildingblocks of livingorganismsWithin cells there are variousorganelles with specific functions ->allows division of labour whichmeans every cell carries out itsfunctions efficientlyMembrane bound organellesMost organelles within eukaryotic cells aremembrane bound= covered in a membraneThis keeps organelles separate from the rest of thecell = discrete compartmentONLY eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organellesElectron microscopy enabled scientist toascertain structures of these organelles bymaking and examining sections to build a 3D imageBiochemistry research -> enabled scientiststo find function of organellesNucleusStructure:Surrounded by a double membrane= nuclear envelope, which has poresNucleolus (inside nucleus) does nothave a membrane, contains RNAGenetic material= chromatin, consists of DNAwound around host one proteins. When cell isn'tdividing chromatin spreads out, when cell isdividing chromatin condensed and coils intochromosomes. These make up nearly all thegenomeFunction:Nuclear envelope= separates contents ofnucleus from the rest of the cellWhen outer and inner membranes fusesome dissolved substances and ribosomescan pass throughPores enable larger substances e.g.mRNA to leave and some e.g. steroidhormones to enter from cytoplasmNucleolus= where ribosomes are madeChromosomes contain organisms genesIn summary, the nucleus:Control centre of cellStores organisms genomeTransmits genetic infoProvides instructions for protein synthesisEndoplasmic reticulumA system of membranes, containing fluidfilled cavities (cisternae) continuous withthe nuclear membraneRER= rough endoplasmic reticulumCoated with ribosomesFunction:RER is the intercellular transport system.Cisternae from channels for transportingsubstances around the cellProvides large SA for ribosomes= assemble aminoacids into proteins. These proteins actively passthrough the membrane into cistern andtransported to Golgi apparatus for packing andmodificationSER= smooth endoplasmic reticulumDon't haveribosomes on itssurfaceFunction:SER contains enzymes that catalysereactions for lipid metabolism. Theseinclude: synthesis of cholesterol,(phosphorus)lipids and steroidhormonesInvolved in absorption, synthesis and transport of lipidsGolgi apparatusStructure:Stack of membranebound flattened sacsSecretory vesicles bringmaterials to and fromGolgi apparatusFunction:Proteins are modified by: adding sugar to makeglycoproteins, lipids to make lipoproteins and being foldedinto their 3D shapeProteins are packaged intovesicles that are pinched off andthen stored in the cell or movedto plasma membrane to beincorporated or exportedMitochondriaStructure:May be spherical, rod shapedor branched, 2-5um longSurrounded by 2 membranes= fluidfilled space between. Inner membraneis highly folded into cristaeInner part of mitochondrion isa fluid filled matrixFunction:Site of ATP productionduring aerobic respirationSelf replicating - canmake more if neededAbundant in cells where muchmetabolic activity takes place e.g.synapses between neuronesChloroplastsFunction:Structure:Large organelles, 4-10um longFound only in plants(SOME protoctists)Surrounded by double membrane. Innermembrane is continuous with stacks of flattenedmembrane sacs (thylakoids) which containchlorophyllEach stack of thylakoids is a granumFluid filled matrix= stromaContains loopsof DNA andstarch grainsSite of photosynthesisFirst stage of photsynthesis= light energy istrapped by chlorophyll, used to make ATP=occurs in granumSecond stage= H reduces CO2 using energy fromATP to make carbohydrates = occurs in stromaChloroplasts are abundant in leaf cellsespecially palisade mesophyll layerCilia and undulipodiaLysosomesVacuoleStructure:Function:Surrounded by a membrane(tonoplast) and contains fluidOnly found in plant cells, Largepermanent vacuoleFilled with water and solute= maintains cellstability = when full it pushes against cell wallmaking the cell turgidIf all plant cells are turgidit helps support the plantStructureFunction:Small bags formed from theGolgi apparatus, eachsurrounded by a singlemembraneContains powerfulhydrolytic enzymesAbundant in phagocytic cells likeneutrophils and macrophageswhich ingest pathogensKeep powerful hydrolyticenzymes separate fromthe rest of the cellCan engulf old cell organelles andforeign matter, digest and returncomponents for reuseStructure:Protrusions from the celland surrounded byplasma membraneEach containmicrotubules and areformed fromcentriolesFunction:Epithelial cells liningairways have manycilia which beat themucusCilium can act as an antenna as itcontains receptors which allow cellsto detect signals on immediateenvironmentOnly sperm have undulipodiumwhich enables it to moveDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node