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How to Foster a Business Communication Culture

Let’s make something clear from the get-go – any company that doesn’t put communication sky-high on it’s list of priorities cannot reasonably expect a tool like GoConqr to fix all its communication woes.

That’s because business communication culture depends, first and foremost, on people. So if employees in your company want a collaborative culture instead of a competitive one; an open-door policy rather than sealed-off silos; a transparent culture instead of a secretive one, then GoConqr is the tool to facilitate this, but it’s people who will create it.

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Business Communication Culture

Why GoConqr Campus?

Email has revolutionalised how we communicate, and even though it’s still widely used, it’s time to admit that it’s time is passing (if it hasn’t already passed).

According to the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), highly skilled workers spend 28 per cent of their time reading and replying to emails. This translates to a huge loss of time, productivity and money for countless companies every year.

Given that the business world of today is a more complex beast and moves faster than that of even five years ago, email can no longer offer the kind of responsiveness that’s required to keep pace.

Relying solely on email for internal communications therefore practically guarantees time inefficiency. That’s not to say that we should banish email to digital Valhalla, but if you really want your company to move forward then you need to embrace other tools that are specifically adapted to the needs of the modern business environment.

“By using social technologies, companies can raise the productivity of knowledge workers, including managers and professionals, by 20 to 25 percent.”


As we will show, GoConqr Campus focuses on the social aspect, encouraging knowledge sharing and collaborative learning – two key areas for the modern company.

GoConqr Campus for Businesses Communication Culture

If you have already established a business communication culture then it has an advantage over most of its competitors. It also means that it is in the right position to get the most from GoConqr Campus.

Our business solution will allow you to create a flexible hub for your internal communications by utilising features such as the following:

1. Internal Groups

This is where the magic happens. You can create as many groups as you want within your Campus. For instance, you can create a group per team, per department or create any other categorisation that makes sense for you company. The important thing to note here is not to think about hierarchies but workflows and teams. This way, you’ll be able to create the most productive structure for you.

Inside each group, all members can communicate openly and interact by sharing ideas, links, images, resources, and so on. Such fluid business communication culture can help cut down the amount of time spent on emails within your company while making information easily available to employees.

2. Internal Announcements

Naturally, there are some specific notifications and announcements that are meant for the whole company such policies, new staff hires, upcoming events, and so on.

It therefore makes sense to issue communications to all members without them having to go to a specific work group. GoConqr Campus was designed nearing such instances in mind, which is why we developed Announcements.

Unlike Group discussions, only Campus admins can use Announcements, which helps ensure that only select people can broadcast information to the entire company.

3. Online Free Courses

When creating training programs or any other kind of development or upskilling activity, the online free courses allows you to combine sequentially existing resources that have been created using GoConqr’s tools and schedule their delivery to the relevant Campus groups.

With this tool, your company can create its own formative online free courses for employees. However, the idea is to empower employees to be able to generate their own online free courses while learning so they can share their material with colleagues as part of a collaborative exchange.

Companies with strong learning cultures tend to focus on processes in which employees become “champions” of relevant topics and regularly give presentations with online free courses to their colleagues about the latest trends and best practices in their areas of expertise.

Online course maker

4. Assessments

Used either as part of a course or as an independent element, assessments are crucial for measuring both the progression of employees and the effectiveness of the training program.

It’s not about finding out who “fails”; companies with open and collaborative cultures use this information to identify employee needs.

GoConqr Quizzes, along with Reports, allow you to access detailed statistics about individual and group scores so you can make amendments to training material to improve its effectiveness.

5. External Collaborators

Surviving without collaborating is almost impossible in such a connected world.

For example, everyone know that Apple created the iPhone, but few think about the hugely collaborative process between countless tech companies around the world that are behind its creation.

Even if your company does not design iPhones, you’ll probably have some collaborators that will need to regularly exchange information with you. Private Links let you do so without compromising your company’s security.

These links have a unique identifier associated to them so they allow you to share private resources outside the GoConqr environment and still track individual engagement and scores.

Contact us now and learn more about how GoConqr’s features can help improve business communication culture in your company:

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