Where talent goes to grow

Do you think you’re better off alone?


8 out of 10 students prefer to study online without company

According to the Online Learning Landscape Report based on research conducted by GoConqr, 79% of users who study online prefer to do it on their own, without the collaboration of other people.

Surprisingly, given the prevalence of social networks among young people for socialising, study tends to be a solitary activity: only 21% of the users registered on GoConqr joined online study groups.

The full report , which will be released next week, looks at the behavior of 2.5 million users in more than 160 countries and aims to understand the impact of digital tools on teaching and learning.

Find out more about online study groups.

Although most students study individually rather than in groups, there has been a growth in recent years of collaborative learning across networks. Between April and October 2016, for example, the percentage of users enrolling in GoConqr groups increased by 38%. Given this trend, it is relevant to assess the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative study.

Pros and cons of collaborative learning

Clarification and supportproblem-860227_960_720

A strength of collaborative learning is the possibility to ask any questions we may have to our colleagues, so that we can clarify doubts and use our study time more productively. On the other hand, if we study individually we need to resolve any doubts on our own, which delays the assimilation of knowledge and lengthens the time we spend studying. For more complicated subjects, consultation leads to efficiency.

Loss of concentration/ lack of focusexchange

A problem with collaborative learning is that it provides reciprocal help; the cost of our friends helping us is that we are expected to help them. Therefore, we will have to invest
some of the study time in helping our partners. In addition, in larger study groups, people may seek or offer help on parts of the subject that are not interesting or relevant to you.

Compaschool-303928__340ring and sharing

Sharing the study experience with others allows us to compare our notes, catch things we missed, and benefit from other people’s perspectives. Sharing resources and ideas allows a group to cover more ground in more depth than an individual can do on their own. This enriches the study process and adds a qualitative
value that can be decisive in final grades.


Of course, the most successful students combine both collaborative and individual learning. For example, group discussion can clarify initial concerns about a topic or subject, but individual study will help prepare for a final exam or project.

To find out more about the report, follow us on Twitter or Facebook

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