6 Tips on How to Create an Online Mind Map with ExamTime

In article, we tell you 6 tips on how to create a Mind Map online using ExamTime’s free online study tools.

When sitting down to create a mind map all you need are two things; an idea and a brain. You put your idea in the centre and let your brain do the rest. Your idea could be anything really; a topic you’re covering in school, the title of an essay, the theme of a presentation you have to do—it’s up to you.

Mind Map
There are many ways to create a mind map online but ExamTime’s free mind mapping tool offers the most dynamic way of creating mind maps. When you sit down to create a mind map with ExamTime, keep these tips in mind:

1) Nobody’s perfect: Don’t focus on creating the perfect mind map. Allow your central idea to explode outwards, don’t try and edit it; just follow your train of thought. Worry about tidying it up later on. Good mind mapping is iterative; you come back to it and refine it. When you’re first creating your mind maps online, however, just go with the flow!


2) Break the ‘on the page’ mentality: The traditional notepad of straight lines is out the window with a mind map, especially when you use our online mind map tool. With ExamTime the creation canvas expands so you have plenty of space. Your brain doesn’t think in straight lines or confine itself to one page, so embrace this as you create a mind map.


3) Don’t take sides: There is a common idea surrounding the division of the brain into the left and right side. The consensus is that the left side is dominant for words, numbers, lines, lists, logic and analysis while the right is dominant for colour, rhythm, spatial awareness, images, imagination and daydreaming. Generally speaking this is true but when I say don’t take sides I mean you shouldn’t prefer one side over the other, or think the skills on one side are any more important than the other skills.

The simple truth is that for creativity you need both sides of the brain. By being receptive to both sides of your brain and embracing both the ‘creative’ and ‘analytical’ side all your ideas will be better improved. The good thing about creating mind maps online is that they easily enable both sides of your brain to flourish and make connections.


4) Use colour: The use of colour is a simple and engaging way of grouping ideas and concepts together when you create a mind map. With ExamTime’s free online mind map tool you are able to toggle the colour of your strands on your online mind map. This helps you keep track of ideas and follow the flow of your ideas better. It will also help you retain the ideas when you study them!


5) Share it: When you finish creating your online mind map make sure you share it with your study buddies! In the same way that you made connections between different ideas and strands while you were creating your mind map, your study buddies will also make different connections. In this way, a mind map that you thought you knew like the back of your hand becomes something completely new with one observation from a study buddy.


6) Go Deeper: Let’s say you have an exam on WW2 coming, you can sit down and create an online  mind map on WW2 and have numerous strands coming out with all the battles that took place; this could be an interesting starting point. Eventually, though, you’ll have to go deeper and create mind maps online for each battle (or the important ones, at least!). The more in-depth you go the better an understanding you’ll have when it comes to exams and the quicker you’ll be able to visualize the key points. Every node on your online mind map has the potential to be its own mind map! As soon as you realise this and embrace the truth that you can always make more connections all your mind maps will improve.

And when you’re done you’ll have something like this:

These are just a few tips to help you create an online mind map with GoConqr, our online learning platform.

To start making your mind maps online, sign-up to GoConqr now and start using our free mind mapping tools. It’s all free!

Also, if you have any tips of your own make sure you comment below and let us and everyone else know!


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Our blog is part of GoConqr, a Free Learning Platform for Creating, Sharing & Discovering Learning Resources that help students and teachers achieve their learning objectives. Click here to start creating Mind Maps, Flashcards, Notes, Quizzes, Slides Flowcharts & Courses now!

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