While studying may be an agonising prospect, the most important thing any student can do is plan their study. The quickest and best way to do this is to set about creating a revision timetable for yourself.
A good revision timetable allows you to have a flexible overview of what you should be doing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. While you don’t need to plan out your entire year you should have a rough outline of the year and a more in-depth timetable for the first couple of weeks.
Our timetable maker or study planner, offers a quick and easy way of creating your revision timetable template. You simply need to drag and drop your subjects onto your timetable template. From there you can set the date and time, whether the event recurs edaily, weekly or monthly—it’s up to you!
You can create your revision timetable in a few minutes. This will have massive benefits for you throughout the academic year. It’s also very important to make sure your revision timetable is flexible enough to accommodate any off-the-cuff changes to your timetable template.
Our revision timetable puts you in charge so you don’t feel like you’re tied to a chain. You have the freedom to study how you want!
It’s inevitable, changes happen. Whether you are sick or a must-see movie is in the cinema, your revision timetable needs to adapt to your needs. This should not throw your revision timetable into disarray; you should be able cope with these changes and adapt your revision timetable template easily to accommodate these unexpected events. Thankfully, our easy-to-use timetable maker ensures this process can happen naturally.
We designed our study planner with ease of use in mind as well as ease of access. This means you view your revision timetable on ExamTime or for you retro-lovers, you can print it out while techno-philes may choose to download an iCal file that can be incorporated with pretty much any device. Whatever way you prefer to access your revision timetable template, we have it covered!
So, now you have no excuse not to plan your revision timetable. Sign up to ExamTime for free and you’ll be able to get started right away.
Your future self will thank you for it!
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