Online Study: New ExamTime Features Announced

It has been one month since we launched the Beta version of Examtime Study tools, so we thought it would be good to give you all a quick overview of what we’ve been working on over the past few weeks and what changes we’ve implemented.

We won’t go into all the techy stuff because even though all the pretty colours wouldn’t be possible without it, we know you don’t actually care about it (If you do care about the techy stuff then we like your moxie). So this is what is new since we launched:

1)      Cookie Bar and Login button

A few of you said that the cookie consent bar got in the way of the log-in button so you didn’t know how to sign back in. We totally agreed with you so we moved the bar to bottom of the screen and then moved the login button to the center and made it bigger, so now you have no excuse not to login.

2)      Manual zooming in mindmaps

We implemented manual zooming for mindmaps, so those of you using Examtime on laptops can now zoom in and out more easily. You will see the new zoom feature in the action bar when you are cr
3)      Tutorial vids and FAQ sectioneating a mindmap.

We added tutorial videos on Mindmaps, Flashcards and Quizzes and also an FAQ to help you get your bearings and get started. If there is any other areas you would like us to look at or something that you’re still confused with feel free to drop us a mail here

4)      Unlimited Snippets

You’ll be happy to hear that everyone now has unlimited snippets, so you can attach as many as your tangent-spewing heart desires.

5)      Quota Increases!

If you create 5 study aids you will be prompted to take a short survey. It will only take a few minutes and as a reward for being so nice we will increase your quotas for free! So you can study even smarter!

These are the major things we implemented over the past few weeks and we are already busy working on the next batch of improvements, we’ll keep you posted.

If you got any ideas on new features or improvements we should be working on let us know here, we love hearing from you intrepid studiers!Happy Studying


-The Examtime Team




About the GoConqr Blog

Our blog is part of GoConqr, a Free Learning Platform for Creating, Sharing & Discovering Learning Resources that help students and teachers achieve their learning objectives. Click here to start creating Mind Maps, Flashcards, Notes, Quizzes, Slides Flowcharts & Courses now!

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