New on ExamTime: Groups

Today we are very excited to have launched our new “Groups” feature! This will make it easier to connect, collaborate and discuss on subjects that you are interested in. Groups do exactly what they say which may sound quite simple but the benefits they can bring are anything but! Putting… Read More

Learn a New Skill with ExamTime

With many of you now on a well-deserved break from your studies (apologies if you’re not!), why not take this opportunity to learn something new with your time off. You may be delighted with your time off at first, but a certain level of boredom may arise as a result.… Read More

Top 5 Best Commencement Speeches Ever

Commencement speeches are one of the great traditions in U.S. universities and Colleges where graduates are given their last lesson before entering the real world. Every year around this time, clusters of capped and gowned students take their place to listen to the wise words of the expert, politician, celebrity… Read More