Learn to Code: Top 4 Twelve-Year Old Coders!

“This blog is the part of the “ExamTime New Skills” series which aims to provide info, tips and resources on how students can teach themselves new skills in their own time.

The importance of learning to code is a skill which is not only becoming more and more apparent but which is taking over as a near necessity on the CV.

Here’s three great reasons why you need to start learning to code;

The current generation of coders are emerging.

A new group of young coders have been taking part in the trend by creating new innovations that have been taking the world by storm using their coding skills. When you read about these amazing “Coding Kids” below, some of whom have numerous apps under their belt already, it can be easy to get a bit envious but we think it is more productive to get inspired.

With this in mind we compiled a short list of the top four 12 year old coders out there. In no particular order:

Puck Meerburg


Puck Meerburg is a 12 year old coder from Holland. He currently has 7 apps to his name, which is quite impressive by any standards. He taught himself JavaScript, PHP and jQuery when he was seven or eight. Besides being a great coder, he also has a totally awesome name!

Shane Curran

learning to codeShane Curran is an Irish 12-year-old coder who created and set up Libramatic. He presented his idea at the Dublin Beta and was voted the best start-up on the evening! If this kid can’t inspire you and instill the belief that you can code too then no-one will!

Thomas Suarez 

Thomas is a 12 year older coder from the USA. He taught himself to build iPhone apps and has a number of different titles to his name now. Watch his TED talk below (yes, that’s right, this kid has his own TED talk!) to see the type of apps he has created. I’m sure you will find his story to be inspiring.

learn to code

Ethan Duggan

ethan dugganEthan is a 12 year old coder also from the USA. He is best known for his Lazy Husband apps. He presented his ideas at SXSW as well! He learned to code by using Codecademy but he also got help from the Las Vegas tech community .



Check out the related articles below to read the other articles in our “Learn to Code” blog series:


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